You can access the new multi video function by clicking the "create video" button in the mobile upload process. Users will then have to click and release the "record" button to record the clip. After the user has recorded a total of 15 seconds of video clips, it combines them and uploads them as a separate video, similar to the way tiktok works.
值得注意的是,多细分受众群并不是YouTube正在进行的 实验。视频共享应用程序还可以在手动选择器上进行语音搜索。通过此功能,用户可以选择与用户应用设置中当前设置不同的语言进行语音搜索。该实验目前正在旁遮普语,乌兹别克语,缅甸语和爱沙尼亚语中进行测试。也就是说,尚不确定该功能何时在应用程序中可用。
It's worth noting that multi audience segmentation is not the only experiment being conducted on YouTube. The video sharing application can also perform voice search on a manual selector. Through this function, the user can select a language different from the current setting in the user application settings for voice search. The experiment is currently being tested in Punjabi, Uzbek, Burmese and Estonian. That is, it's not sure when the feature will be available in the application.