🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 3、Twitter针对目标人群定位投放。每一个用户,根据平时发过什么内容,和什么样的内容有互动,Twitter会给这些有明显使用行为的用户贴上标签。Twitter的投放,有3种常用的投放是Interest兴趣组,Followers粉丝和Keywords关键词。🟨🟧🟩🟦
移动用户占比80%的Twitter,是全球 大的社交网络媒体服务商之一,月活用户3.16亿,每日推文量5亿。近年来,Twitter移动互联广告业务发展迅猛,应用开启率较其他平台流量高出37%,支付活跃率高出34%,与Facebook、Google一起成为世界三大顶级互联网广告平台。
Twitter, which accounts for 80% of mobile users, is one of the world's largest social network media service providers, with 316 million monthly live users and 500 million daily tweets. In recent years, Twitter's mobile Internet advertising business has developed rapidly. Its application opening rate is 37% higher than that of other platforms, and its active payment rate is 34%. Together with Facebook and Google, Twitter has become the world's three top Internet advertising platforms.
Twitter Ads主要包括以下几个功能和特点:
1、Twitter视频效果惊人,63%的品牌喜爱程度,45%更高点击率,90%移动装置观看。 近一些广告主做投放测试,在欧美地区成本在10美分或15美分左右。值得一提的是,Twitter只按展示收费,不对转发和产生的点击、下载收费,所以如果广告主能从创意着手,保证比较有趣的广告内容,在Twitter平台是可以实现病毒性传播的。
2、Tailored Audiences:Twitter的平台上也有这个功能,把需要定点投放的用户模型提交到Twitter后台,Twitter会给广告主匹配相似的用户来进行投放。可以“白名单投放”,即投放给我想投放的这些人,也可以是“黑名单投放”就是,我不要投放给这些特定用户。可以提供的信息包括,网站访客,App用户信息,用户、顾客email,TWITTER IDs,顾客电话号码等。据Twitter相关负责人介绍,可以提升营销广度, 大到10倍以上。
Interest group: every twitter user will be labeled according to what content he has posted, what content he has public interaction with, and which accounts he has followed. For example, if an app wants to launch to people who are interested in music, you can choose people who are interested in music, such as Justin Bieber. When choosing big V to launch, the logic of launch is that your ads will be known by big V fans and similar users.
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