当地时间12日,美国白宫贸易顾问纳瓦罗表示,美国总统特朗普预计将对TikTok和 采取“强力行动”。彭博社12日报道称,纳瓦罗当天向媒体表示,特朗普政府“刚开始”着手处理这两个应用程序,他指出,当下他无法排除美国禁用TikTok和 的可能性。
US President trump is expected to take "strong action" against tiktok and wechat, white house trade adviser Navarro said on the 12th local time. According to the 12 times of the Peng Bo news agency, Navarro told the media on the same day that the trump government had "just started" to deal with the two applications. He pointed out that at present, he could not rule out the possibility that tiktok and wechat would be banned in the United States.
彭博社刊文指出,TikTok(抖音海外版)颇受美国青少年欢迎,而 在全球范围有约12亿活跃用户。
此前,TikTok一再否认有关其对美国 安全构成威胁的指控。知情人士此前告诉彭博社,TikTok正在考虑全球总部的多个备选地点,目前其五个 大办公室分别位于洛杉矶、纽约、伦敦、都柏林和新加坡。
对于美国可能封禁TikTok与抖音一事,7月8日, 外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会时曾就此表示,美方个别政客的言论完全是无中生有,恶意抹黑。
赵立坚强调, 政府一贯要求 企业在依法合规的基础上开展对外经济合作,如果按照美方逻辑,美方众多社交媒体在全球拥有巨大的用户群体,对世界各国而言,这岂不是巨大的安全威胁?更应该受到 社会的共同监管和评估。我们敦促美方一些人端正心态,摒弃偏见,不要以己度人,停止鼓吹动用 机器打压 企业,多做有利于促进中美经贸合作的事。
Zhao Lijian stressed that the Chinese government has always required Chinese enterprises to carry out foreign economic cooperation on the basis of law and compliance. If, according to the logic of the US side, many social media of the US side have huge user groups in the world, is this not a huge security threat to all countries in the world? It should be supervised and evaluated by the international community. We urge some people in the United States to correct their mentality, abandon prejudice, do not judge others by themselves, stop advocating the use of state machinery to suppress Chinese enterprises, and do more to promote Sino US economic and trade cooperation.
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