🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 数据显示,YouTube是8月全球收入第二高的非游戏应用,总收入超过8,390万美元,年增54.8%,其中,约55%来自美国,13%来自日本;第三名为社群软件Tinder。- ins刷粉自助平台网- facebook 专 页 赞 货真价实的好粉丝🟨🟧🟩🟦
媒体报道,根据Sensor Tower公布,8月全球非游戏类应用中, 短视频社交平台「抖音」及海外版TikTok合计营收居冠、达8,810万美元,年增6.3倍,但相较7月的1.02亿美元则下跌14%;而在8月营收中,有85%收入来自 ,7.8%来自于美国,1.4%来自土耳其。
China's short video social tiktok and overseas version of TikTok have gained a total of 88 million 100 thousand dollars in August, an increase of 6.3 times in the year August, but 14% in comparison with July's 102 million, according to Sensor Tower. In August, 85% of revenue came from China, 7.8% from the United States and 1.4% from Turkey.
虽然之前有特朗普的威胁,之后有大量类似产品的竞争追赶,但TikTok仍然拥有全球应用吸金王的冠军。然而,TikTok不能放心。数据显示,TikTok的市场份额正在被其类似的软件所取代。即使 终TikTok没有被禁止,也可能需要时间和精力来恢复流失的用户。
据了解,由于7月起美国开始威胁封禁TikTok,导致TikTok竞争对手的下载量飙升。事实上,这些TikTok的替代软件从今年初开始就一直在努力提高市占率,并稳步取得进展;在TikTok的竞争对手中,Triller和Likee为今年1月以来在美国市场每月新增安装量 大的App,也是抢占TikTok市占率 多的竞争者。
It is understood that since July, the United States has threatened to ban tiktok, which has led to a surge in downloads of tiktok competitors. In fact, since the beginning of this year, the replacement software of tiktok has been working hard to increase the market share and has made steady progress; Among tiktok's competitors, Triller and likee are the most installed apps in the U.S. market every month since January this year. They are also the competitors who occupy the largest share of tiktok market.
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