近日,11月App Store应用下载排行公布,、抖音、拼多多分列前三。厂商应用下载量排行中,腾讯、阿里和网易分列前三名,紧随其后的是字节跳动和百度。
在购物软件下载量中,京东未进前三,前三依次为拼多多、淘宝和淘宝特价版,京东止步第四。收入排行(非游戏,下同)前三的是抖音、腾讯视频、爱奇艺视频,腾讯系的QQ音乐收入排第四名。值得一提的是,11月抖音及海外版TikTok再次蝉联全球移动应用收入榜冠军,在全球App Store和Google Play吸金超过1.23亿美元,是去年11月的3.7倍,中国版本抖音贡献了大约85%,美国市场贡献了8%。而在中国区位列第二名的腾讯视频在全球App Store收入榜中排名第五。
In the amount of shopping software downloads, Jingdong did not enter the top three, the top three were pinduoduo, Taobao and Taobao special edition, and Jingdong stopped in the fourth place. The top three of income ranking (non game, the same below) are jitter, Tencent video and Iqiyi tiktok, and Tencent's QQ music revenue ranked fourth. Tiktok tiktok and overseas TikTok are again the world's mobile app revenue championship in November. The global App Store and Google Play attract more than 123 million US dollars, 3.7 times the November last year, and China's version of the tremor contributed about 85%, and the US market contributed 8%. Tencent video, which ranks second in China, ranks fifth in the global app store revenue list.
此外,在11月App Store手游收入榜中,前三均是腾讯游戏,分别是《王者荣耀》《和平精英》和《天涯明月刀》。前十中,同样有三款手游上榜的还有网易,分别是位列第五的《梦幻西游》、位列第八的《大话西游》和位列第九的《率土之滨》。Top20中,网易最多,共有六个游戏上榜,腾讯则是五个。
In addition, in the app store mobile game revenue list in November, the top three are Tencent games, namely "King's glory", "peace elite" and "Tianya Mingyue Dao". In the top ten, Netease also has three mobile games on the list, namely, dream journey to the west, Dahua journey to the west, which is ranked fifth, Dahua journey to the west, which is ranked eighth, and leading the land, which is ranked ninth. Among the top 20, Netease has the most, with six games on the list, while Tencent has five.