1. 目标受众年龄在30岁以下。
41% of tiktok's users are between 16 and 24 years old. More than half of platform users are under 30 years old. Therefore, if your brand and product want to attract young audiences, tiktok will be an ideal marketing tool for online celebrities. On the other hand, if your target audience includes people over 30, tiktok advertising may not be particularly beneficial.
2. 你想宣传音乐,艺术或时尚等创意内容。
TikTok是一个很棒的广告创意平台,搭配网红的广告效果更佳。有很多才华横溢的网红通过在自己的TikTok帐户刊登广告来获得很高的知名度。由于TikTok的“For You”页面和算法,网红在此应用上的可见度比其它任何社交媒体都高,即便不是该网红的粉丝,也有可能被TikTok的流量池推荐到更多人群。因此,如果你希望推广广告创意内容,让你的视频获得病毒式传播,则应考虑使用此平台。
3. 你的品牌不大,希望获得更多关注。
Tiktok's popularity continues to grow. It's the most downloaded app in the app store, and 90% of users open it every day. In addition, the layout of tiktok enables users of the platform to consume a large amount of content at a time. About 1 billion videos are viewed on the platform every day, while a single user spends an average of 52 minutes on the app every day. Therefore, small brands will have the opportunity to attract more and more active audiences through advertising.