
本周早些时候,一个故事围绕着华为删除了从Twitter应用程序下载的图像。多个用户能够在Android subreddit上的该线程中复制此问题,这是最早发现该问题的位置。基本上,用户从Twitter应用程序下载图像,并立即弹出“华为系统服务”的通知,并说“Twitter已从图库中删除了照片”。不用说,用户对此非常惊讶。该公司终于发布了有关情况的声明。

Earlier this week, a story revolved around Huawei deleting images downloaded from the twitter app. Multiple users can copy the problem in this thread on Android subreddit, which is the first place to find the problem. Basically, the user downloads the image from the twitter application and immediately pops up a "Huawei system service" notice, saying that "Twitter has deleted the photo from the gallery.". Needless to say, users were surprised. The company finally issued a statement about the situation.




People are worried that Huawei deliberately prevents users from downloading images through some kind of back door. It sounds more like a very strange mistake. Neither Huawei nor twitter deleted the images. In fact, they are safe in the twitter folder, but the way the application handles the process in the background triggers the alert. Huawei is currently in discussions with Twitter to solve the problem. We don't know if it requires a system update or just an application update. Fortunately, this problem is not as serious as originally thought.