



In 2020, under the favorable application environment, tiktok has become an irresistible backbone in brand Omni channel marketing. With the rapid development, competitors such as instagram, Facebook and snapchat have launched tiktok iterative products one after another. Tiktok even escaped from the "tiktok prohibition order" in the United States. At the same time, tiktok has become the voice channel and incubation position of a new batch of social media KOL, sellers, brands, entrepreneurs and even government media. Many beauty brands have taken advantage of the current situation and incorporated tiktok into their own social media marketing and promotion strategies. In the face of larger and larger scale and more and more wide audience of paid advertising, each brand has made every effort to create advertising. In addition, on the basis of establishing the official account of the brand, the brand and the company also adopted the form of signing tiktok net red and KOL to promote and endorse the marketing means for the company.

2020年后两个季度,为了给2021年公司的上升之路搭建基础,TikTok有了更大的动作,开启了测试一系列功能。2020年10月,TikTok宣布将同Shopify建立战略伙伴关系,届时,将允许Shopify卖家直接从Shopify的卖家后台创建、运行甚至是优化他们在TikTok上开展的营销活动。有消息还透露称,两家公司在社交商务功能版块也展开了合作并进入了相应的测试阶段;2020年11月,TikTok试运行专门用于汇集教程等教学内容的Learn Lab版块;2020年12月,TikTok开始测试时长3分钟的视频上传功能。同月,TikTok在欧洲的三星智能电视上推出了APP,并与沃尔玛就可购物直播进行了合作。


与TikTok有合作的广告公司Slope的合伙人Phillip Hui-Bon-Hoa表示,TikTok与Shopify的合作能更方便广告主在TikTok上进行广告投放。而这项合作也让TikTok解决了无法追踪pixels(广告主的追踪代码)的问题。因为在合作之前,当消费者被TikTok引流到店铺后,广告主是很难确切跟踪和登记消费者购买行为的。另外,Hui-bon-Hoa认为,与Shopify开展合作意味着TikTok在未来阶段将更注重完善并提高平台消费者体验的版块。基于此,他预计到2021年,品牌和卖家在TikTok上进行的营销预算可能会高于在Facebook或Instagram等“老牌营销渠道”上的预算。

2019年12月,主打清洁护肤的Truly Beauty入驻TikTok,现在其在TikTok上的粉丝已经有100余万。如今,TikTok已经是Truly Beauty的核心推广渠道。Truly Beauty的社交媒体经理Tyler Moore表示,TikTok可能会像Instagram一样转型为一个全渠道的可购物应用,且TikTok在这方面的成长要比竞争对手快得多。

其实在2019年11月,Truly Beauty才开始关注到社媒推广这一渠道。最开始Truly Beauty是与Instagram上的KOL进行合作的,但当时的转化率并没有达到品牌预期要求。Truly Beauty随后改变了推广策略,将重心转移到拥有4万-10万粉丝的TikTok上的KOL上。Truly Beauty通过向粉丝基础尚可的KOL赠送样品的方式,每周与大概20位KOL合作进行品牌推广,并在付费广告和包括与Adam Ray(660万粉丝)在内的KOL合作方面进行了投资,其营销结果也十分喜人。Moore表示,2021年,Truly Beauty将加大在TikTok上营销支出。Moore提到,TikTok带来的附加效益值也暗含着很大的机遇。因为粉丝们的粘性都很高,TikTok上的粉丝量上涨了,那么品牌其他平台的粉丝数量也会随之水涨船高。另外,TikTok上发布的视频还能二次利用,用来进行独具品牌特色的电邮营销。

E.l.f.Cosmetics是TikTok上较为活跃的品牌官方账号之一,其账号粉丝数量在28万左右,账号包括了从用户生成内容到品牌营销内容再到赞助内容在内的丰富内容。2020年12月,E.l.f Cosmestics还在TikTok上推出了话题挑战。E.l.f. Cosmetics的VP Gayitri Budhraja表示,在营销预算方面,虽然公司没有打算在TikTok进行资源倾斜或者只专注TikTok单一渠道,但鉴于TikTok发展态势良好,且“TikTok的付费广告产品做得向来很棒”,该公司计划下一步将TikTok纳入全渠道营销方案之中。虽然具体营销预案目前还不能对外透露,但可以肯定的是,2021年,E.l.f Cosmetics将专注于包括与TikTok用户一起进行创作和再创作在内的免费及自然营销版块。Gayitri Budhraja表示,2021年,TikTok将在哪些方面进行创新,如何与品牌合作,如何利用其强大的创作者社区的规模(来帮助品牌孵化)等方面的方向将催生出一系列新事物,为品牌营销带来新生机。                                                                                                  

E. L.f.cosmology is one of the more active brand official accounts on tiktok, with about 280000 fans. The account includes rich content from user generated content to brand marketing content and then to sponsorship content. In December 2020, e.l.f. cosmometrics also launched a topic challenge on tiktok. E. Gayitri budhraja, VP of L.f. cosmology, said that in terms of marketing budget, although the company did not plan to tilt resources in tiktok or only focus on tiktok single channel, in view of the good development trend of tiktok and "tiktok's paid advertising products have always been great", the company plans to include tiktok into the omni channel marketing plan in the next step. Although the specific marketing plan can not be disclosed to the public at present, it is certain that in 2021, e.l.f. cosmology will focus on the free and natural marketing section, including the creation and re creation with tiktok users. Gayitri budhraja said that in 2021, tiktok will innovate in what areas, how to cooperate with brands, and how to use the scale of its strong creator community (to help brand incubation), which will give birth to a series of new things and bring new vitality to brand marketing.