谷歌从Play Store中删除了25款盗用Facebook证书的应用

法国网络安全公司Evina发现了这些应用,并在6月初从Play Store中删除。这些程序被伪装成游戏、手电筒、壁纸、编辑软件、二维码扫描器、步数计数器、文件管理器等,虽然大部分程序确实能实现预期功能,但也进行了恶意行为。

Evina, a French network security company, discovered the apps and removed them from the play store in early June. These programs are disguised as games, flashlights, wallpapers, editing software, QR code scanner, step counter, file manager, etc. Although most of the programs can achieve the expected functions, they also carry out malicious acts.



ZDNet报告说,其他的应用程序都来自同一个黑客集团,它们会执行不同的不受欢迎的行为,比如强迫用户收看广告,打开新的浏览器标签。这些恶意应用在5月份被Evina识别出来,并在不久后向谷歌报告。目前仍不清楚有多少人的Facebook凭证被盗,也不清楚这些应用是如何躲过谷歌的检查并进入Play Store的。

ZDNet reports that other applications come from the same hacker group and perform different unpopular behaviors, such as forcing users to watch ads and open new browser tags. These malicious applications were identified by Evina in May and reported to Google shortly after. It's not clear how many people's Facebook credentials were stolen, or how the apps escaped Google's scrutiny and entered the play store.

