在先前仅向爱尔兰,韩国和西班牙介绍该社交网络之后,该社交网络终于在全球范围内提供了“Off Facebook Activity”工具。您可以在移动应用程序和桌面网站的设置面板中的“您的Facebook信息”下找到它。
After only introducing the social network to Ireland, South Korea and Spain, the social network finally provides the "off Facebook activity" tool worldwide. You can find it under "your Facebook information" in the settings panel of mobile apps and desktop websites.
该工具基本上是该公司尝试使用“清除历史记录”按钮时,涉及到Facebook通过Internet Cookie和放置在第三方网站和应用程序上的计算机脚本来跟踪用户。社交网络收集这些数据,以便为您投放相关的广告。但是这种做法还意味着,Facebook在技术上一直在绘制您的互联网浏览历史记录,这可能会令人毛骨悚然。
The tool is basically when the company tries to use the "clear history" button, which involves Facebook tracking users through Internet cookies and computer scripts placed on third-party websites and applications. Social networks collect this data in order to launch relevant advertisements for you. But it also means that Facebook has been technically mapping your Internet browsing history, which can be creepy.