🟨🟧🟩🟦加: 『superlikefollow』 , ins赞,ins华人粉鲜农村粉丝网提供ins涨粉,ins加粉,ins群控,ins粉丝增加,instagram 如何涨粉,ig粉絲的行为规律是什么等? 华人/香港/台湾/美国/ig真人粉丝关注、点赞、ins按赞、ig买粉赞、ig华人粉丝赞、ig视频直播浏览等🟨🟧🟩🟦
It's important to remember that if you want to attract people to the target page with the selected slogan, our image should complement the advertising text and seamlessly transition to the target page. When writing an advertisement copy that matches the text, put yourself in the target audience. If you are the target audience, what will you feel when you see the advertisement, so as to adjust the advertisement copy and arouse the empathy of potential target users.
目前,我们可以在Instagram Feed,Instagram Stories和Instagram Explore标签中进行广告投放。在Instagram Feed和Instagram Explore标签中投放广告时,在广告文案方面,尽可能用简洁的文字表达清楚你的意图,因为我们只能使用数量有限的字符。建议使用方形(1:1)广告素材,这些在Facebook和Instagram上的广告展示位置上出来的效果会更好一些。
如果要在Instagram Stories中刊登广告,则可以运行自动展示位置,但是一定要使用广告级别的“修改展示位置”功能来调整,调整尺寸或将其他尺寸的广告素材上传到Stories中,以使其看起来更适合该展示位置。如果要使用Instagram Stories广告民意测验,则仅在选择Instagram Stories展示位置时,此功能才可用。最后,在Instagram Stories广告中,如果我们正在使用轮播广告,那么请在最后一张轮播卡片中插入一个专用的号召性用语,以便用户将更多的注意力集中到所要完成的动作上。
If you want to publish an advertisement in instagram stories, you can run the automatic display location, but you must use the "modify display location" function of the advertisement level to adjust, adjust the size, or upload advertising materials of other sizes to stories, so as to make them look more suitable for the display location. If you want to use the instagram stories ad poll, this feature is only available when you select the instagram stories display location. Finally, in the instagram stories ad, if we are using the carousel ad, please insert a special slogan in the last carousel card, so that users can pay more attention to the action they want to complete.
❤️🔥加: 『superlikefollow』 , ins赞,ins华人粉鲜农村粉丝网提供ins涨粉,ins加粉,ins群控,ins粉丝增加,instagram 如何涨粉,ig粉絲的行为规律是什么等? 华人/香港/台湾/美国/ig真人粉丝关注、点赞、ins按赞、ig买粉赞、ig华人粉丝赞、ig视频直播浏览等❤️🔥