ins买粉 传Twitter也想收购TikTok,但被质疑财力不够雄厚

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近期中美关系持续冲突, 短影音社交平台「抖音」海外版TikTok成为敏感的角力焦点。美国总统川普下令TikTok必须卖给美企,否则将禁止在美国经营业务。据知情人士透露,除了微软以外,Twitter也有意收购TikTok,但专家对Twitter是否有能力买下TikTok存有疑虑。

China US relations continue to clash, and China's tiktok social platform "TikTok" has become a sensitive focus. US President trump ordered TikTok to sell to US companies or else it would ban business in the US. In addition to Microsoft, Twitter is also interested in buying tiktok, according to people familiar with the matter, but experts have doubts about Twitter's ability to buy tiktok.

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8月6日,川普签署两份行政命令,禁止任何美国个人或企业与TikTok母公司字节跳动、实时通讯软件 母公司腾讯交易,预计45天后生效。


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消息人士称,Twitter向字节跳动提到,若由该公司收购,此交易案面临的监管压力将比微软来得少,原因是Twitter在 并不普及,不会面临来自 的施压。

八月五日,美国国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike,Pompeo)宣布清洁网络(Clean,Network)计划,将清除美国应用平台上不可信赖的 应用,以降低潜在的国安风险,并将TikTok和 命名为重大威胁。

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路透社、科技媒体The Verge等外媒日前报道,美国媒体《Axios》引述知情人士表示,苹果对收购TikTok表现出兴趣。不过,苹果对此做出明确否认,指目前没有就收购TikTok展开谈判,也没有计划进行这项交易。

Reuters, the verge and other foreign media recently reported that the US media "Axios" quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that Apple has shown interest in acquiring tiktok. However, Apple has made a clear denial of this, saying that there are no talks on the acquisition of tiktok at present, and there are no plans to carry out the deal.

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