ins买粉 抖音及海外版TikTok10月份吸金超过1.15亿美元 为去年同期6.2倍

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11月9日下午消息,Sensor Tower商店情报数据显示,2020年10月抖音及海外版TikTok在全球App Store和Google Play吸金超过1.15亿美元,是去年10月的6.2倍,再次蝉联全球移动应用(非游戏)收入榜冠军。其中,大约86%的收入来自 版本抖音;美国市场排名第二,贡献了8%的收入;土耳其市场排名第三,占2%。全球热门移动应用(非游戏)收入Top10完整榜单请见上文图表。

November 9th afternoon, Sensor Tower store intelligence data showed that in October 2020 tiktok and overseas version of TikTok were attracting more than 115 million dollars in global App Store and Google Play, 6.2 times last October, and again won the world mobile app (non gaming) revenue championship. Tiktok is China's version of which accounts for about 86% of its revenue. The U.S. market ranked second, accounting for 8% of revenue; Turkey ranks third with 2%. Please refer to the chart above for a complete list of the top 10 global top mobile app (non game) revenue.


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