🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 因阿根廷总统初选曝出意外,该国市场隔夜遭遇股汇债三杀,根据寻汇对市场的统计,其中阿根廷主要股指Merval指数盘中一度下跌超过38%,创史上 大单日跌幅;该国货币阿根廷比索兑美元一度狂贬将近37%,刷新历史纪录低点;五年期主权债信用违约掉期 内飙涨938个基点。🟨🟧🟩🟦

因阿根廷总统初选曝出意外,该国市场隔夜遭遇股汇债三杀,根据寻汇对市场的统计,其中阿根廷主要股指Merval指数盘中一度下跌超过38%,创史上 大单日跌幅;该国货币阿根廷比索兑美元一度狂贬将近37%,刷新历史纪录低点;五年期主权债信用违约掉期 内飙涨938个基点。
当地时间8月11日,阿根廷举行总统初选。根据寻汇对其民调的了解,此前几乎所有的媒体和民调都认为,现任总统马克里(Mauricio Macri)可以获胜。但执政党竞选阵营的惨败结果出乎所有民调和媒体预料。但在昨日结束的大选初选中,阿根廷现任总统马克里落后反对派候选人费尔南德斯15个百分点,这让马克里在10月份正式大选中谋求连任的困难再次增加。据寻汇对实时情况的跟踪,当天近3300万选民参加了初选投票,占选民总数的75%。投票统计结果显示,“全民阵线”费尔南德斯组合得票率47.37%,而“变革联盟”的马克里组合得票率为32.23%。当晚22点30分,马克里宣布在初选中落败。
On August 11 local time, Argentina held the presidential primary election. According to the understanding of the poll by foreign exchange, almost all the media and polls previously believed that the current president Mauricio Macri could win. However, the disastrous defeat of the ruling party's election camp was beyond the expectations of all polls and the media. However, in the primary election, which ended yesterday, Argentina's current president marcori lagged behind opposition candidate Fernandez by 15 percentage points, which made it more difficult for marcori to seek re-election in the formal election in October. According to the tracking of real-time situation, nearly 33 million voters participated in the primary election on that day, accounting for 75% of the total number of voters. Voting statistics showed that the "National Front" Fernandez combination won 47.37%, while the "Alliance for change" makri combination won 32.23%. At 22:30 that night, Markley announced that he had lost the primary.cheapest smm panel for IG,buy Instagram poll votes
对于该结果寻汇认为,此次初选的结果是阿根廷10月27日 轮总统选举的一个关键指标。马克里以远超预期的劣势遭遇失利,令人严重怀疑这位现任总统是否还有机会能在10月份连任。寻汇注意到在第二日阿根廷金融市场立刻对此次初选的结果做出了负面反应。阿根廷比索对美元汇率崩跌,主要股指暴跌38%,阿根廷在美股上市企业集体暴跌。寻汇会对该事件保持关注,后续带来 新信息。
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