ins买粉 特朗普为Oracle参与TikTok业务收购背书

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According to foreign media sources, Oracle, a technology giant, was reported to be willing to participate in tiktok's acquisition activities in North America, Australia and New Zealand after the US authorities released news last week that it must spin off its business line in the US within 90 days. Later, US President trump said that it was "absolutely appropriate" for the company to take over tiktok's business in the US

据悉,Oracle的首席执行官Larry Ellison是特朗普的支持者,今年2月份,Larry Ellison还在其位于加州的私人高尔夫球场为特朗普举行了一场高调至极的募捐活动。相关报道还显示,Oracle正与包括红杉资本在内的投资公司与字节跳动就收购TikTok美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰的部分业务展开谈判。



上个星期,白宫表示,字节跳动需要在90天内剥离TikTok在美的业务。特朗普表示,有可信的证据表明,字节跳动正在利用TikTok来破坏美国的安全。这条新闻一出,一片哗然,字节跳动也一再否认并没有按照规定处理用户数据。很多评论家认为,美国政府对TikTok的攻击,是它与 贸易冲突的一部分。



Earlier this month, Microsoft publicly said it was in talks with byte beat to acquire the tiktok business. According to reports, Twitter has also approached us about the acquisition of tiktok's business in the United States. In addition, trump registered the account number of tiktok competitor Triller and announced to settle in the platform in a high profile.

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