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新浪科技讯 北京时间3月3日早间消息,本周一,Twitter股价大涨7.9%,因为上周五激进投资者要求CEO杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)下台。上周,因为投资者担心冠状病毒继续肆虐,美股大跌,本周股市开始反弹。在上涨行情中,Twitter市值增加20亿多亿美元,攀升到280亿美元。
Sina Technology News in the morning of March 3, Beijing time, twitter shares surged 7.9% on Monday as radical investors asked CEO Jack Dorsey to step down on Friday. Last week, the stock market began to rebound this week as investors worried that the coronavirus would continue to rage and US stocks fell sharply. In the rising market, the market value of twitter increased by more than 2 billion US dollars to 28 billion US dollars.
Elliott Management创始人、亿万富翁保罗·辛格尔(Paul Singer)大声疾呼,希望多西退位。为什么?因为多西同时管理Twitter、Square,还准备去非洲呆3-6个月。辛格尔持有大量Twitter股票,价值超过10亿美元,他已经提名4位新董事。Elliott Management还与Twitter开会讨论此事,但多西并未参加。
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com与其它上市公司相比,Twitter的领导架构有点不一样。的确,有些科技公司的CEO也掌管多家公司,比如特斯拉CEO马斯克,但只有多西是两家市值都超过50亿美元上市公司的CEO。
我们不知道Elliott Management到底持有Twitter多少股份,但回看历史,它曾经鼓动AT&T和eBay变更管理层。
Pivotal Research Group分析师迈克尔·李维纳(Michael Levine)在报告中指出,辛格尔要求替换多西,提名4位新董事,这些要求很有可能兑现。李维纳认为,如果Twitter聘请一位专业COO,的确可以增强运营能力。
Michael Levine, an analyst at pivotal research group, pointed out in the report that singel's request to replace Dorsey and nominate four new directors is likely to be fulfilled. Levina believes that if twitter employs a professional coo, it can really enhance its operational capabilities.
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