ins买粉 Twitter推出名为Fleets的临时推文功能

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Twitter on Tuesday announced the launch of "fleets" worldwide, a temporary tweet feature announced earlier this year and tested in various markets around the world. Now, any mobile twitter user, no matter where they live, no matter what platform they are on, can use this feature.


Fleets是一种Stories克隆,它借鉴了Instagram和Snapchat所实现的所有 佳创意。您可以共享文本,回复他人的推文,或发布视频,您可以在其他消息应用程序中获得相同的背景颜色和叠加文本选项,具有短暂的功能,每条消息在24小时后消失。


You can also reply to other people's fleets by clicking on a fleets and sending a message or expression directly to the creator. This will start a DM conversation, similar to the stories reply process on instagram. Twitter said it would also introduce stickers and live broadcasts at some point in the future.



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