ins买粉 风波不断!Twitter或更改黑客相关内容处理

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - Twitter法律事务、政策、信任和安全主管维哈雅·贾德(Vijaya Gadde)的说法,在收到“大量反馈”后,Twitter决定调整其关于黑客破解内容的政策。- ins刷粉自助平台网- ins 买 粉|ins 买粉|ig 买粉丝 货真价实的好粉丝🟨🟧🟩🟦


According to reports, twitter plans to change its policy of hacking platform content. Earlier, twitter removed a link from the New York Post to a report about the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. This decision has caused widespread controversy. Twitter said at the time that the report violated the platform's policy of cracking down on hackers. Twitter said it blocked links to the report because some of the images in the report had been hacked into with personal and private information.



Twitter法律事务、政策、信任和安全主管维哈雅·贾德(Vijaya Gadde)的说法,在收到“大量反馈”后,Twitter决定调整其关于黑客破解内容的政策。


There are two points in the revision. First, twitter does not delete hacked content unless it is shared directly by hackers or partners. Second, twitter will tag related posts to provide background information, rather than directly block links shared on the platform. Judd said other twitter terms would still apply. For example, if the image in the content contains the cracked e-mail and phone number, the content will still be deleted. Judd also said that the new policy for hacking content will be updated in the next few days.

