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北京时间5月7日上午消息,据美国科技媒体The Verge报道,从今天开始,Twitter用户可以在转发/引用的推文中添加图像、视频和GIF动图等。目前,Android、iOS和Twitter的移动网站均支持这项新功能;但是桌面PC版Twitter尚不支持这一新功能。
In the morning of May 7, Beijing time, according to the verge, a US technology media, Twitter users can add images, videos and GIF animations to the tweets they forward / quote from today on. At present, the mobile websites of Android, IOS and twitter all support this new function; But the desktop PC version of twitter doesn't yet support this new feature.
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com为解决这个问题,Twitter将原推文设计在一个较小的缩进框里(用户头像仍然可见),转发时添加的多媒体文件仍以全幅展示。
Twitter指出,一些品牌和创作者已经在第 试用了新的功能。但是The Verge认为,若用户在桌面浏览器上查看的话,新的带多媒体文件的转发推文看上去或许会有点奇怪。或许,用不了多久Twitter就可以解决这个问题。
Twitter points out that some brands and creators have tried out the new features on the first day. But the verge thinks the new tweet with multimedia files might look a little strange if users view it in a desktop browser. Maybe it won't be long before twitter can solve the problem.
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