🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 新浪科技讯 北京时间11月27日早间消息,据外媒报道,Facebook将收购热门虚拟现实(VR)节奏游戏《节奏光剑》的开发商Beat Games。- ins刷粉自助平台网- facebook 专 页 赞|facebook 涨 粉 货真价实的好粉丝🟨🟧🟩🟦
新浪科技讯 北京时间11月27日早间消息,据外媒报道,Facebook将收购热门虚拟现实(VR)节奏游戏《节奏光剑》的开发商Beat Games。
据悉,Beat Games将继续独立运营,但它将成为Facebook VR游戏集团Oculus Studios的一部分。Oculus内容总监麦克·沃都(Mike Verdu )在博客中表示,该游戏将在所有平台上继续发布,并且工作室不会为Oculus眼罩赋予优先获得更新或音乐包等新内容的权利。
It is reported that beat games will continue to operate independently, but it will become part of oculus studios, a Facebook VR game group. Mike verdu, oculus content director, said in his blog that the game will continue to be released on all platforms, and that the studio will not give oculus blindfold priority to new content such as updates or music packs.
Oculus表示,此次收购将为Beat Games(之前名为Hyperbolic Magnetism)这家小型工作室提供更多开发资源。在被收购之前,《Beat Saber》已经开始使用新的音乐包来扩展其小型原创歌曲目录,其中包括Imagine Dragons和Panic! At The Disco的歌曲。该公司还将在12月发布新的360度游戏模式。
Oculus也不排除收购更多工作室的可能性。该公司说:“我们正在探索加速VR的多种方式,我们认为明年将是VR游戏发布和发布中令人难以置信的一年。我们很高兴Beat Games加入我们的团队。这仅仅是开始。”
Oculus also does not rule out the possibility of acquiring more studios. "We're exploring ways to accelerate VR and we think next year will be an incredible year for VR game releases and releases," the company said. We are very happy to have beat games on our team. This is just the beginning. "
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