🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - 7月1日Facebook发布通知称,将于7月10日关停旗下短视频应用Lasso。- ins刷粉自助平台网- ins买粉|ins买赞|ins刷粉丝|ins买粉丝|ins 买 粉|ins 买粉|ig 买粉丝|ins涨粉|facebook 买粉丝 货真价实的好粉丝🟨🟧🟩🟦
Lasso于2018年底推出,被Fcaebook视为对抗Tik Tok的有力武器,它与Tik Tok一样支持用户拍摄长达15秒的视频并配以流行音乐剪辑成个人作品。
据数据研究机构Sensor Tower称,Lasso曾在美国、墨西哥、哥伦比亚等11个 推出。并且还在应用中增加了印地语,这说明Facebook有计划将Lasso引入印度市场。但这次的服务关停,印度用户应该无法享受到这款应用带来的服务了。
According to sensor tower, a data research organization, Lasso has been launched in 11 countries, including the United States, Mexico and Colombia. It also added Hindi to the app, indicating that Facebook has plans to introduce lasso to the Indian market. But this time the service is shut down, Indian users should not be able to enjoy the service brought by this app.
作为全球拥有近30亿用户的Facebook,在海外市场有着极其丰富的用户数据,如监管政策,用户喜好。文化差异等,按理说在全球应用投放上有着绝对的优势。但这款产品的表现却不尽如人意,上线一年多来仅获得了42.5万次的下载,而同期TikTok的下载量为6.4亿次,反观另一位国内老对手快手的海外版本Zynn,凭借补贴政策在短短一个月内就冲到了iOS娱乐免费版 。相较于快手的砸钱玩法,Facebook在推广策略上确实有点平淡无奇。虽说烧钱推广策略强势,能在短时间内为应用积累一定基数的用户,但在也有个很明显的弊端,就是其补贴结束后的用户留存问题。
As a global company with nearly 3 billion users, Facebook has extremely rich user data in overseas markets, such as regulatory policies and user preferences. Cultural differences, in principle, have an absolute advantage in the global application. However, the performance of this product is not satisfactory. Kwai has only received 425 thousand downloads in the past year, while the TikTok downloads in the same period were 640 million times. In contrast, another overseas version of Zynn, a veteran domestic rival, has rushed to the first iOS entertainment free version in just a month. Compared to the fast smashing Kwai gameplay, Facebook is a little bit unconventional in promotion strategy. Although the money burning promotion strategy is strong and can accumulate a certain number of users for the application in a short period of time, there is also an obvious drawback, that is, the problem of user retention after the end of the subsidy.
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