ins买粉 利用长尾关键词提高搜索排名

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - We all know that whether in theory or in practice, the more accurate the search, the clearer the demand, because only a single buyer accurately knows the demand in his heart, he will directly search for adjectives. This direct and accurate positioning can clearly meet the needs of some customers and stand out from the total number of products. If you are still confused after listening to this list, it will be much clearer if you look at this list: if we buy things and our needs are not particularly clear, when we buy products, we will search for a general idea. For example, if I want to buy a dress, I will directly search for a dress. But if I want to buy a red dress, my search term will be red dress, narrowing the search scope.🟨🟧🟩🟦

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做阿里 站的朋友,我们都知道关键词的重要性。今天我以自身的经验总结,跟大家仔细来说下长尾关键词的重要性。首先,你们知道什么是长尾关键词吗。例如一个玩具车,遥控汽车就是它的核心词,红色的就是一个长尾词,玩具就是一个擦边词。看到这个,你可以看出一个产品的独特性,主要是靠长尾词来说明的。如果我想突出产品的某个特点,我必须通过长尾词来修饰,让产品从大类中脱颖而出。



We all know that whether in theory or in practice, the more accurate the search, the clearer the demand, because only a single buyer accurately knows the demand in his heart, he will directly search for adjectives. This direct and accurate positioning can clearly meet the needs of some customers and stand out from the total number of products. If you are still confused after listening to this list, it will be much clearer if you look at this list: if we buy things and our needs are not particularly clear, when we buy products, we will search for a general idea. For example, if I want to buy a dress, I will directly search for a dress. But if I want to buy a red dress, my search term will be red dress, narrowing the search scope.



我们都知道核心词被搜索是 激烈的,所以放在首页的经常要通过p4p竞价完成,不管是哪个卖家都想博得头筹,于是通常会把竞价飙的飞高,这对于小企业来说是一个沉重的负担。这条路不好走,我们只能独辟蹊径,从贴近买家的搜索习惯入手。长尾词比起核心关键词,它的内容性跟选择性更广泛,且没有固定的模式,没有终结,可以不停的更换,组成,这样一个产品可以扩大的覆盖性。


❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥


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