ins买粉 微信、TikTok和中国消费者是如何颠覆和个性化奢侈品的

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - China is the first country to have more than 1 billion digital connected consumers who share a common language, culture, regulatory environment and a lot of supporting infrastructure. Digital connection and super active Chinese consumers are more and more like a network, with frequent interaction between individuals. The interaction between consumers and other consumers has a much greater (and much faster) impact on companies. As the connection of a network increases to the square of the number of nodes, the Chinese consumer network is particularly large and powerful. China may have four times as many consumers as the United States, but its consumer network is (theoretically) 17 times as connected as the United States.🟨🟧🟩🟦

过去五年, 消费者平均占全球奢侈品消费的40%至50%。现在大约是每年1000亿美元,但是非常不稳定。预计未来五年, 人将占到奢侈品消费增长的65%至75%。高德纳预计,到2025年, 奢侈品消费将达到1750亿美元。  

Over the past five years, Chinese consumers have accounted for an average of 40% to 50% of global luxury consumption. Now it's about $100 billion a year, but it's very volatile. It is estimated that the Chinese will account for 65% to 75% of the growth of luxury consumption in the next five years. Gartner predicts that by 2025, China's luxury consumption will reach 175 billion US dollars.   

成长实际上来自许多领域。当然,年轻消费者和女性占很大比例。像现在所有与消费者有关的东西一样,低线城市是这种趋势的主要驱动力。但这主要是中 庭财富增加的故事。奢侈品受益于大量崛起的中产阶级和大量富裕消费者。

因此,对于世界各地的奢侈品牌来说, 消费者是一个必赢的群体。

Instagram 自动赞

的奢侈品消费逐年波动很大。例如,2015年, 奢侈品消费仅增长了2%。但在2018年,尽管 的国内生产总值增速为30年来 低,但奢侈品消费增速超过20%。

是 个拥有超过10亿数字连接消费者的 ,这些消费者拥有共同的语言、共同的文化、共同的监管环境和大量支持基础设施。数字连接和超级活跃的 消费者越来越像一个网络,个人之间频繁互动。消费者与其他消费者的互动对企业的影响要比公司大得多(也快得多)。随着一个网络的连接增加到 数的平方(差不多), 消费者网络就显得特别庞大和强大。 的消费者数量可能是美国的四倍,但其消费者网络的连接(理论上)是美国的17倍。

China is the first country to have more than 1 billion digital connected consumers who share a common language, culture, regulatory environment and a lot of supporting infrastructure. Digital connection and super active Chinese consumers are more and more like a network, with frequent interaction between individuals. The interaction between consumers and other consumers has a much greater (and much faster) impact on companies. As the connection of a network increases to the square of the number of nodes, the Chinese consumer network is particularly large and powerful. China may have four times as many consumers as the United States, but its consumer network is (theoretically) 17 times as connected as the United States.


奢侈品牌一直不喜欢电子商务。当你不得不从在精心打造的氛围中的高档商店销售转变为仅仅是智能手机屏幕上的一个缩略图时,它真的摧毁了你的奢侈品服务。奢侈品是 后进入电子商务的行业之一。  

但他们现在正全力投入到电子商务中——特别是 和 社交媒体,因为 消费者是主要人群,他们经营着一个数字网络。品牌现在必须数字化,这意味着向数字营销和 的巨大转变。



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