🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - According to adnews, June 16, the company set up its first Australian office with Lee hunter, a former Google executive, as general manager of tiktok Australia. Hunt is joined by former Google executive Brett Armstrong, who will be general manager of global business solutions (GBS) for tiktok Australia.🟨🟧🟩🟦
据Adnews,6月16日报道,字节跳动设立了首个澳大利亚办公室,由前谷歌高管李·亨特(Lee Hunter)任TikTok澳大利亚总经理。与亨特一同加入TikTok的还有前谷歌高管布雷特·阿姆斯特朗(Brett Armstrong),他将担任TikTok澳大利亚全球商业化解决方案(GBS)总经理。
According to adnews, June 16, the company set up its first Australian office with Lee hunter, a former Google executive, as general manager of tiktok Australia. Hunt is joined by former Google executive Brett Armstrong, who will be general manager of global business solutions (GBS) for tiktok Australia.
TikTok澳大利亚总经理Lee Hunter
阿姆斯特朗此前曾担任谷歌新西兰区域经理,并在媒介 公司AUNZ担任过负责人。他将负责TikTok的商务业务,重点关注品牌合作、客户解决方案、企业营销及销售运营等事宜。
“看到澳大利亚用户在TikTok上展现出的各种独特创意,我备受鼓舞,尤其是在现在这种艰难时刻。”亨特表示,“在人们 需要TikTok的时候,它将澳大利亚上下团结在了一起。它让人们找到居家娱乐的方式,分享彼此的感受,传达各自的想法和信息。我很高兴看到TikTok上涌现出大量积极、多元和新颖的内容,也很荣幸能领导日益壮大的本地团队,为澳大利亚用户、创作者及合作伙伴打造优秀的线上社区。”
过去18个月以来,TikTok不断拓展全球业务,在美国、英国、印度、日本和加拿大招募总经理,这与其母公司字节跳动的全球化战略一脉相承。6月1日,前迪士尼高管凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer)正式被任命为字节跳动COO兼TikTok全球CEO;而仅2020年前5个月,字节跳动就有6位来自Facebook、谷歌等 互联网巨头的高管入职。
Over the past 18 months, tiktok has continued to expand its global business by recruiting general managers in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Japan and Canada, which is in line with the globalization strategy of its parent company. On June 1, Kevin Mayer, a former Disney executive, was officially appointed coo and Global CEO of tiktok; In the first five months of 2020 alone, six executives from Internet giants such as Facebook and Google have joined the company.
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