🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - Facebook has developed a pre trained model, tabert, which can understand natural language sentences and query results from tables to answer questions about natural language sentences. Tabert can answer questions like "which country has the highest GDP?" This kind of problem. Researchers mentioned that tabert is the first pre training method across structured and unstructured data, which overcomes the challenge of query corresponding to database table structure.🟨🟧🟩🟦
脸书开发了一个经预训练的模型TaBERT,可以理解自然语言的句子,并且从表格查询结果,以回答自然语言句子的提问,TaBERT能够回答像是“哪个 的GDP 高?”这类的问题。研究人员提到,TaBERT是 个跨结构化与非结构化资料的预训练方法,克服了查询对应到数据库表格结构的挑战。
Facebook has developed a pre trained model, tabert, which can understand natural language sentences and query results from tables to answer questions about natural language sentences. Tabert can answer questions like "which country has the highest GDP?" This kind of problem. Researchers mentioned that tabert is the first pre training method across structured and unstructured data, which overcomes the challenge of query corresponding to database table structure.
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com脸书以两个常用的基准资料集进行实验,分别是用于监督式文本转SQL任务的Spider资料集,以及弱监督式解析任务的WikiTableQuestions资料集,脸书提到,弱监督式学习会比监督式学习更具挑战性,因为解析器无法取得标签查询,而且必需要探索非常大的查询搜索空间。实验结果显示,无论是弱监督式或是监督式任务,TaBERT的结果都更好,而且也证明使用表格和语言资料进行预训练,是可行且有效的方法。
Researchers mentioned that tabert can be used in fact verification and verification applications, because third-party fact verification units usually rely on existing static knowledge base data, and tabert can map queries to relevant databases, so it can not only verify facts, but also give explanations referring to relevant databases.
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