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在推动我国外贸事业发展的实践进程中,海关部门和相应的检疫审查部门发挥着十分重要的作用,二者各司其职,为严格引导我国进出口贸易工作的正规化开展起到了不小的积极推动作用。但是,原先在实际申报工作中,因为海关部门和相应的检疫部门工作开展上的独立性,所以对于需要进出口申报的相关外贸企业来说,其申报工作的进行无论是在流程上还是在审批程序上都有着很大的繁琐性,有时候外贸企业需要根据相应的需要来回奔跑于海关部门或者检疫部门之间,着实是浪费了不少的精力与时间,但是 终结果还是得等。因为这两个部门在工作上需要根据各自的流程来,所以需要一定的审核时间消耗这也是在所难免的。如果能对报关和报检工作进行相应的简化就好了。对于这个问题,不仅外贸企业早就注意到了,其实 政府也是早就注意到了,只不过一直在寻找着一个合适的改革实施时期。
因为对于报关和报检工作的精简工作的进行不是一蹴而就的事情,这中间需要一定的辩论、需要一定的分析、需要对外贸企业形成一个逐步的适应过程,所以在经过了一定时间的筹划和酝酿之后, 终于在2018年8月1日的时候正式提出了关检融合实践活动的实行。所谓的关检融合实际上就是指的海关工作和进出口检疫工作的融合和统一,其中在部门的调整上,实际上是把对进出口商品检疫这项工作内容归纳到了海关部门的工作职责范围内。开始的时候,对于这项规定的出现,很多外贸企业还是有些不适应的,当然不适应的不仅仅是企业自身,相关部门也是有些不适应的,不过在经过一段时间的调整运营之后,关键融合各项工作确实逐步步入了正规实践工作中来。那么,关键融合工作中需要注意哪些问题呢?
First, it is the integration and extraction of the original work contents of customs declaration and inspection application. In fact, in the practice of customs inspection integration, it does not mean that which department does not exist. On the contrary, the functions of the two are integrated and unified, so as to strive to improve work efficiency. Therefore, in promoting the integration of customs and inspection, the government should pay attention to grasp the core work content between customs declaration and inspection, retain the essence of the work content, and re plan and integrate the parts with overlapping or repeated content. Thus, on the basis of inheriting the original work content, carry out a certain degree of innovation and development, so that the integration of customs inspection at this stage can really play its due role in the development of various import and export declarations of enterprises.
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.comSecondly, the integration of customs and inspection has been carried out. Many work items, processes and work contents have been uniformly integrated and simplified. Some of them may be retained, but some work contents have been abolished and stopped accordingly. Therefore, in order to effectively guide the development of the new customs inspection work, the corresponding supporting rules and regulations should also be followed up in time. At the same time, the new customs inspection integration practice should also follow the actual work practice. The implementation of the corresponding new system should not affect the ongoing foreign trade declaration of some foreign trade enterprises. In order to eliminate the panic of a large number of foreign trade enterprises, in the process of implementation, the previous relevant work contents should be subject to the actual situation of the actual audit work, clearly set a time limit, and clearly transmit this time limit to all foreign trade enterprises, and gradually abolish and stop the previous work contents, Give these foreign trade enterprises an adaptation period in the handling of new key businesses.
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