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贸易中其中各种积极有效的支付方式的实施十分重要,其中信用证这种支付方式在 贸易中具有较为广泛的应用范围,它主要兴起于19世纪。信用证的出现可谓是 贸易支付方式中的一次重要变革活动,大大提高了 贸易在交易实践活动上的安全性与效率性。虽然当前 贸易中很多商家习惯使用信用证这种支付方式,但是值得注意的一点是,当前在 贸易中,信用证支付这种方式有利也有弊,我们应该在充分认识信用证支付概念的基础上,来有效了解信用证支付方式的特点,从而更好的在 贸易实践中表现自己,做好信用证支付相关的风险防范措施,争取让信用证方式支付为自己的贸易实践活动而助力。
贸易中,信用证支付方式主要具有以下三方面特点,首先,信用证是一项独立的文件。其次,开证行是 性质付款人。第三,信用证业务处理的是单据。下面我将会对信用证支付方式所具备的这三个特点进行依次阐述:
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com,信用证是一项独立的文件。信用证效用的发挥是在贸易合同的基础上所进行的,虽然与买卖双方的贸易合同有所联系,但是信用证一经开立,它就是独立于贸易合同之外的另一种契约。信用证和贸易合同从订立双方和其所约束力所影响的范围来看,是有所不同的。贸易合同主要是买方和卖方二者之间所签订的一份合同,所以在对买卖双方有着很大的约束影响力。而信用证联系的主要是受益人(即卖方)和开证行以及与信用证业务相关的其他银行,所以通过信用证所联系到一起的这些机构需要受到信用证上相关条款约束力的影响。所以通过上述关系我们也可以看出来,信用证和贸易合同完全是两码事,在信用证支付方式执行过程中,开证行只对受益者和开证要求者(即买家)所负责,并不受贸易合同的制约。
, a letter of credit is a separate document. The effectiveness of the letter of credit is based on the trade contract. Although it is related to the trade contract between the buyer and the seller, once the letter of credit is opened, it is another contract independent of the trade contract. Letters of credit and trade contracts are different in terms of both parties and the scope of their binding force. Trade contract is mainly a contract signed between the buyer and the seller, so it has a great binding influence on the buyer and the seller. The letter of credit is mainly related to the beneficiary (i.e. the seller), the issuing bank and other banks related to the letter of credit business. Therefore, these institutions connected through the letter of credit need to be affected by the binding force of the relevant provisions on the letter of credit. Therefore, through the above relationship, we can also see that the letter of credit and trade contract are completely different. In the implementation of the letter of credit payment method, the issuing bank is only responsible for the beneficiary and the issuing claimant (i.e. the buyer), and is not restricted by the trade contract.cheapest Instagram subscribers,host someone on ins
第二,开证行是 性质付款人。在信用证支付方式中,信用证支付方式是一种银行信用,由开证行以自已的信用作出付款保证,开证行提供的是信用而不是资金,其特点是在符合信用证 规定的条件 下,首先由开证行承担付款的责任。通俗点来讲是这样的,在信用证支付中,这个信用证本来就是开证行应买家的要求所开具的,但是开证行在这过程中承担的主要是担保作用,具体的货款还是握在买家手中,如果受益方(即卖家)按照买家的要求完成了相应的交货,这时候买方就可以通知开证行进行放款,然后开证行从买家那里得到相应的货款之后,这时候就会按照要求把货款打给受益方。这个过程中,开证行是一种名义上的 付款人,而实际上买家付款的主体地位依然没有被改变。
Third, the payment method of letter of credit mainly deals with various documents. As long as the documents are consistent with the documents, the documents are consistent with the letter of credit, and as long as it can be determined that the documents ostensibly comply with the terms of the letter of credit, the bank must pay against the documents. In the whole process, the issuing bank only acts according to the documents, so it is necessary for the seller to do a good job in the conformity of the documents. Otherwise, it will experience varying degrees of trouble and may not get the payment. Therefore, in the letter of credit payment method, the seller should not only abide by the agreement with the relevant trade contract, but also abide by the important condition of "conformity of documents" in the transaction practice.cheapest Instagram subscribers,host someone on ins
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