🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - Asked to comment on Amazon's decision, a tiktok spokesman said Amazon didn't communicate with them before sending the email and they still didn't understand the company's concerns. However, tiktok added: "we welcome dialogue so that we can solve any problems they may have and keep their team involved in our community."🟨🟧🟩🟦
据外媒报道,美民主党全国委员会(DNC)和共和党全国委员会(RNC)警告他们的工作人员不要使用来自 的应用TikTok。其中,DNC于当地时间上周五向他们的民主党竞选团队、委员会和各州政党发出在使用TikTok时需要采取额外安全防范措施的警告。
According to foreign media reports, the US Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC) have warned their staff not to use tiktok, an app from China. Among them, DNC issued a warning to their Democratic campaign teams, committees and state political parties on Friday local time that they need to take additional security measures when using tiktok.
RNC 新闻秘书Mandi Merritt则于周六表示,RNC对TikTok持长期指导意见。“RNC已经建议员工和利益相关者不要在他们的个人设备上下载TikTok应用,”--理由是“安全隐患”。
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com去年12月,RNC曾在一份备忘录中建议竞选团队不要使用TikTok,理由是担心该应用跟 有联系,可能会将数据发送给 政府。
这已经不是DNC 次就 产品发出警告。2018年,该委员会就曾警告竞选活动不要使用 制造商中兴和华为生产的设备。
而就在DNC上周五发出警告的同 ,亚马逊也向员工发布了关于TikTok的指导意见。据知情人士透露,该公司要求员工立即卸载掉它们设备中的TikTok。
Asked to comment on Amazon's decision, a tiktok spokesman said Amazon didn't communicate with them before sending the email and they still didn't understand the company's concerns. However, tiktok added: "we welcome dialogue so that we can solve any problems they may have and keep their team involved in our community."
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