🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - With the expansion of instagram reels, the company has also made some changes to make the feature more prominent. Earlier, reels could only be shared as instagram stories, but techcrunch reports that there is now a different reels tag on the app. Instagram makes reels more prominent by adding a dedicated space to the user's profile and exploring contributions.🟨🟧🟩🟦
Instagram去年11月推出了类似TikTok的“卷轴”功能。Instagram上个月在更多 /地区扩大了Reels的测试范围,据报道它也可以在印度使用。
Instagram Reels不是像'Threads'这样的独立应用程序,而是Instagram应用程序中提供的更多编辑功能。使用Instagram Reels,用户可以录制15秒的短视频,并使用音乐曲目和音频剪辑进行编辑。此功能的工作原理与TikTok相当。
Instagram reels is not a stand-alone application like 'threads', but more editing capabilities provided in instagram applications. With instagram reels, users can record short 15 second videos and edit them with music tracks and audio clips. This function works on the same principle as tiktok.
Instagram尚未确认正在印度对Reels进行测试,但确实表明该功能正在向更多 /地区推广。
[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com我们计划在更多的 /地区开始测试Reels的更新版本。Reels是一种有趣而有创意的方式,人们可以表达自己的想法,获得娱乐。我们很高兴把这个新版本引入我们的全球社区。Facebook发言人在一份声明中说:目前还没有进一步的计划在发布日期或 /地区分享。
随着Instagram Reels的扩展,该公司还进行了一些更改,以使该功能更加突出。早些时候,Reels只能作为Instagram故事共享,但TechCrunch报道说,该应用程序上现在有一个不同的Reels标签。Instagram通过在用户的个人资料上添加专用空间并探索供稿,使Reels更加突出。
With the expansion of instagram reels, the company has also made some changes to make the feature more prominent. Earlier, reels could only be shared as instagram stories, but techcrunch reports that there is now a different reels tag on the app. Instagram makes reels more prominent by adding a dedicated space to the user's profile and exploring contributions.
本土的TikTok竞争对手正在从TikTok禁令中受益,尤其是在Facebook的TikTok克隆应用程序“Lasso”关闭之后,Instagram Reels似乎可以开始流行。
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