

其实,腾讯投资快手早已是许多行内人的意料中事,只因快手是克制抖音的重要关键。作为抖音、今日头条等互联网大牌软件的母公司,字节跳动可以说是腾讯新兴的强劲对手。尤其 近字节跳动推出全新搜索系统「头条搜寻」,抖音出海声势又如火如荼。为了制衡字节跳动的扩张,特别是在社交媒体、短视频这一块的发展,腾讯出钱支持抖音的 大竞争对手绝对是可预见的。

Kwai Kwai, Tencent investment tiktok is already a surprise to many insiders, because the fast hand is the key to control the jitter. As the parent company of the Internet big name software such as jitter, tiktok and so on, byte beating can be said to be a strong opponent of Tencent. Tiktok has like a raging fire. In order to balance the expansion of byte jumbo, especially in the development of social media and short video, the biggest competitor of Tencent to support the jitter is tiktok.

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事实上,AI过去就对快手和抖音的数据进行了分析,发现快手有着非常优越的发展潜力。 ,快手用户远比抖音忠诚。大约12%的抖音付费用户在玩快手,但是快手只有近7%的付费用户在使用抖音。

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所以,有着绝佳的条件和实力,快手的野心绝不仅限于「 第二」。除了准备赴美上市,其创办人也于今年七月宣布要在年底前达到 3 亿日活,足以证明快手再也不像以前一样采取「佛系」营销策略。快手这次重启海外扩张前景不错,如果能够获得亮眼成绩,相信明年登陆美股后身价将会再度上升。量数 AI 会与各位一同密切关注快手的 新动态,并以消费者数据紧贴行情,分析其未来表现。

Therefore, with excellent conditions and strength, the ambition of fast hand is not limited to "China Kwai second". In addition to preparing for the US listing, its founder announced in July that he would have reached 300 million days before the end of the year, which proved that the Kwai Fu no longer used the "Buddha" marketing strategy as before. Kwai Chung's prospects for reopening overseas expansion are good. If we can get the bright results, we believe that the value of us will rise again next year after landing on the US stock market. AI will closely follow the latest developments of Kwai's and closely analyze the future performance of consumer's data with the consumer data.


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新华财经北京9月20日电(记者张兴旺)字节跳动9月20日早间发布声明称,为了确保1亿美国用户能够继续使用TikTok这款高人气的视频及内容应用软件,满足美国政府监管要求,加强TikTok美国业务,字节跳动、甲骨文、沃尔玛对TikTok的合作形成原则性共识。三方将按照此共识,尽快达成满足美国和 …


