One belt, one road, the other is the center of the Internet world. The decentralization structure of the network media has made users expect more clearly in the public sphere of social media. For example, there is no so-called unified audience in the Ins picture sharing community, but rather the so-called "unified audience". It is composed of many small groups and individuals. Each person has his own object of concern. The relationship between people is based on a virtual relationship. The highly autonomous relationship blurs the boundary between the transmitter and the receiver. Each receiver can become the transmitter and the receiver at the same time. They publish their works, expound their own opinions and comments, deconstruct others' works and reproduce them. For example, INS provides users with a huge virtual space, in which users enter to obtain virtual identity, through the fragmented information dissemination, collage their lives, complete the things that they can't do, dare not do or can't do in real life, obtain the experience and happiness that they can't get in real life, and even show their real self in the heart through the virtual coat. Through the combination of communication symbols such as words, sounds and images, the process of consciously reproducing the real world is always consciously or unconsciously practicing the spirit of postmodernism, just like directing one's own virtual life.
日本制造商的 手表市场的攻势表示,美国苹果公司在手表市场上造成了怎样的转变。苹果公司进入市场仅3年就超过了劳力士,成为世界 大的手表销售企业。受此影响,手表业界不得不重新评估战略。在增加瑞士品牌更合适的价格模型中,精工和西铁城以在 手表市场扩大市场份额为目标。就像上文这样,非常正面及真实地展现产品特征,因为亚洲企业生产的产品都是没有核心技术的产品,譬如韩国三星、LG能制造手机OLED屏幕,现在苹果公司在美国加州的工厂里也开始制造,立刻市场就变成僧多粥少的情况,竞争力极其加大,所以INSTAGRAM上的文字描述个性化必须根植在真实之上,不然就变成无源之水。
2.3 INSTAGRAM个性化设计应该碎片化设计
Ins与大多数社交媒体一样,是旨在帮助人们建立社会性网络的互联网应用服务,是基于社会性网络服务社区理念搭建,架构之初便将重心搭建在手机应用而不是网页上(Ins 只提供简单的登录、图片展示和应用下载)。Ins的社区互动架构,一是使Ins可迅速介入人们的任何时间碎片,等车,聚会,散步、人睡前都可以通过时间碎片社区向自己的亲朋好友或是素不相识的浏览者传递自己的生活经历、情感表达和审美趣味。所以,外贸企业的个性化设计应该更加注重碎片化趋势。
要赢得关注,建设好用户的主页,投放适当内容是 重要的基础,而投放什么样的内容,则可以从上文分析的后现代主义特征人手,将创作权、表达权高度自主化,坚持投放手机拍摄的图片,形成独特的手机摄影文化;Ins作为视觉系社交媒体,内容设计上应注意使图文具有鲜明的个人品牌色彩,表达有创意,能充分展示自己的兴趣和审美。较之微博、 ,Ins属于 性社交媒体,用户分类中海外用户、女性和年轻用户居多,在内容设计上应多注重视觉内容和形式的多元化、丰富性和差异化,如:图片搭载双语文字注释,可以提升视觉图片的文化内涵和 认同感,引发预期用户的粘性;寻求分享内容理念的差异化,Ins的内容设计理念与twitter、Facebook等社交媒体主推的内容设计理念“你在做什么”和flicker、tumblr等社交媒体主推的内容设计理念“值得传播的照片”不同,其进行了差异化设置,Ins的内容设计更侧重于值得传播的瞬间的传播理念,寻求差异化竞争力。
To win attention, building a good user's home page and putting in appropriate content is the most important foundation. What kind of content to put in can be based on the above analysis of postmodernism features, making the right of creation and expression highly independent, and insisting on putting in pictures taken by mobile phones to form a unique mobile photography culture. As a visual Department of social media, INS should pay attention to content design Graphics and text have distinctive personal brand color, creative expression, can fully show their interest and aesthetic. Compared with microblog and wechat, INS belongs to international social media, and most of its users are overseas users, women and young users. In terms of content design, INS should pay more attention to the diversification, richness and differentiation of visual content and forms. For example, pictures with bilingual text notes can enhance the cultural connotation and international identity of visual pictures, and trigger the stickiness of expected users; seek to share The content design concept of INS is different from the content design concept of "what are you doing" promoted by social media such as twitter and Facebook, and the content design concept of "photos worth spreading" promoted by social media such as flicker and Tumblr. The content design concept of INS is different from the content design concept of "photos worth spreading" promoted by social media such as twitter and Facebook Competition.
TikTok的全世界受众群体和英国消费群在2020年呈指数增长。与2019年对比,该小视频应用软件在国外的一季度注册量再次提高超出75%,到今日,每日都是有超出一亿的英国客户收看。尽管TikTok频繁遭遇世界各国限令,但迫不得已认可,TikTok早已是当今 …