Facebook宣布收购VR音乐游戏开发商Beat Games

Facebook宣布将收购VR(虚拟现实)音乐游戏《节奏空间》(Beat Saber)的开发商Beat Games,但交易条款尚未对外公布。

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收购成功后,Beat Games将并入Facebook旗下Oculus公司,但其业务总部不变,并且保持独立运营。


收购Beat Games并将其并入Oculus公司,表明Facebook可能在效仿微软和索尼的策略,即通过收购小型工作室来帮助自己开发新游戏内容。但Facebook表示,Beat Games将继续支持他们已在合作的平台。

The acquisition of beat games and its incorporation into oculus suggests that Facebook may be following Microsoft and Sony's strategy of acquiring small studios to help it develop new game content. But Facebook said beat games will continue to support the platforms they are already working on.

Games是一个的虚拟现实游戏工作室,BeatGames今年早些时候就宣布,世界上 受欢迎的VR节奏游戏《节奏空间》已经卖出了一百万多部。据说《节奏空间》可能是 款销量达100万的VR游戏。



Beat Games一直在拓展业务,如与音乐家合作发布基于游戏方式的他们的歌曲,与Imagine Dragons和Panic at the Disco等乐队合作提供付费音乐包。可以想象,在收购Beat Games之后,Facebook与顶级艺术家的沟通将变得通畅。

Beat Games has been expanding its business, such as working with musicians to release their songs based on game mode, and working with bands such as imagine dragons and panic at the disco to provide paid music packages. It is conceivable that after the acquisition of beat games, Facebook's communication with top artists will become smooth.


