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在利用TikTok网红带货来吸引Z代的眼球和抓住他们的钱包之后,Shein成为英国 受欢迎的零售商之一。

在TikTok随便浏览,就会发现有许多年轻女性在进行“Shein服装购物分享”。在这些年轻女性分享的视频画面中,有一大堆Shein包装袋,利用巧妙的剪辑和以流行音乐为背景来展示每一件衣服的上身效果。其中Addison Rae在TikTok上拥有超过20亿个赞和4600万粉丝,是该平台上粉丝数量第二多的博主,她是推广Shein服装的网红之一。

If you browse tiktok, you will find that many young women are engaged in "sharing clothes shopping". In the video pictures shared by these young women, there are a lot of sheen bags, using clever editing and pop music as the background to show the upper body effect of each dress. Among them, Addison Rae has more than 2 billion fans and 46 million fans on tiktok, which is the second largest number of fans on the platform. She is one of the online celebrities promoting sheen clothing.


Karwowski估计,Rae获得的推广费用达五位数。但Shein还注重普通用户。只要拥有TikTok账号,不论粉丝数多少,都可以帮忙推广,从中获得10%到20%的分成,这在目前的市场上是闻所未闻的。它还将客户的视频转发到 平台作为营销策略,这不仅具有成本效益,而且还激发了更多的TikTok用户试穿服装,并给自己打上标签,希望自己能被选中,获得粉丝和点赞。这形成了病毒效应,帮助Shein在英国和美国的苹果和Android上始终稳居前五名购物应用程序之列。这种模式似乎借鉴了硅谷的玩法,Uber和Airbnb的早期以无利可图的价格实现大规模的增长。

毫无疑问,Shein的服装和配饰对年轻观众有很大的吸引力,其 新潮的品类,价格低得令人难以置信。上百种商品,包括比基尼,长裤,甚至凉鞋,价格都在5英镑以下,而且它还提供了80%的折扣和免费送货。


Sheen is a Chinese company headquartered in Shenzhen, founded in 2008 by Chris Xu. It is worth noting that the retailer does not sell to domestic customers, but to the rest of the world. So far, Sheen has obtained $50 million in financing from IDG, Sequoia Capital, etc.
